frequently asked questions
how do i place an order?
Please use the contact form.
Can i order single copies of the workbooks?
Unfortunately not; bulk printing is the only cost-effective option. However, I sometimes have spare copies available at my school, which I can sell at a reduced cost. Please do enquire to see whether this is possible.
which books contain which chapters?
In the express edition:
Level 1 Book 1: chapters 1-4
Level 1 Book 2: chapters 5-8
Level 1 Book 3: chapters 9-12
Level 2 Book 1: chapters 1-4
Level 2 Book 2: chapters 5-7
Level 2 Book 3: chapters 8-10
Level 3 Book 1: chapters 1-3
Level 3 Book 2: chapters 4-6
Level 3 Book 3 chapters 7-9
should i go for the original edition or the express edition?
If you are lucky enough to have 2 hours or more of Latin on your timetable each week, or you don’t need to worry about your pupils passing Common Entrance, you will get on well with the original edition. However, if your timetable allocation is less generous, I recommend the express edition.
what about the ISEB ce syllabus changes?
The express edition of the course has now been revised to reflect these changes. The original editions will not be revised.
how much do the books cost?
Please refer to the price guide.
Is there an answer book?
Unfortunately not. I appreciate how useful it would be for tutors, students learning at home and new teachers! However, I have not yet found a timely and cost-effective way to create one.
which books contain which chapters?
In the original edition:
Level 1 Book 1 : chapters 1-3
Level 1 Book 2: chapters 4-6
Level 1 Book 3: chapters 7-9
Level 1 Book 4: chapters 10-12
Level 2 Book 1: chapters 1-3
Level 2 Book 2: chapters 4-6
Level 2 Book 3: chapters 7-8
Level 2 Book 4: chapters 9-10
Level 3 Book 1: chapters 1-2
Level 3 Book 2: chapters 3-4
Level 3 Book 3: chapters 5-6
Level 3 Book 4: chapter 7-8
what is covered in each chapter?
Click here to see a breakdown of the course contents chapter by chapter.
Can i use the course on my school’s remote learning platform?
If you have a printing licence, yes! Please do.
If you don’t have a printing licence, please invest in one.